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Next Day Delivery Available

On Repeat

Dofos Pet Centre Our on repeat feature will make sure you never forget your pets items again ! Very easy to set up and you are in complete control of your subscription Scroll down for more info

Our on repeat feature never run out of your pet essentials again 

Very easy to set up and you are in complete control of your subscription

Scroll down for more info 

Safe Payments

Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. 

Add & Remove

Add, remove and items at will you can also change quantity of items in the ''Manage Subscriptions'' section of your account

Pause, Skip Or

Pause , skip or cancel at anytime you can also change order frequency and view previous orders in the ''Manage Subscriptions'' section of your account

Next Day Delivery

Delivery will be on a next day service after the payment has been processed you will receive a notification & again when the order has been picked a tracking number will be issued 

How It Works 

1Go Shopping !

simply fill the cart with the item's you would like.

2Pick a time

Choose the best time period from the drop down that fits your schedule 

3Check out as normal 

Choose the best time period from the drop down that fits your schedule 

4 Manage Your subscription 

Here you can
Pause , skip or cancel anytime you can also change the order frequency.

View order status's 

View products that you have added or removed from your orders 


  • Can I Cancel ?

  • You can cancel , skip or pause your subscription anytime in your account . 
  • How long does delivery take ?

  • We deliver on a next day service, once your order is confirmed we will process and deliver the for the next working day 
  • Can i add Items to my subscription ?

  • Yes you can add items just log into your account then find the item(s) you would like to add and click the "Add to subscription" button